VFW Pelican Post 1383
Klamath Falls, Oregon

515 Klamath Ave., Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 882-0054

The History of Pelican Post 1383

Since 1925 VFW Pelican Post 1383 has had 90 commanders. Many have served multiple terms. 
VFW Pelican Post 1383 - COMMANDERS
1925 Gus Dunn 1956 Truman Nelson 1987 Richard Paddock
1926 Gus Dunn 1957 R.O. Miller 1988 Richard Paddock
1927 Vern J Walker 1958 Maurice Malme 1989 Junior Lange
1928 N. H. Canter 1959 Lloyd Frantz/Robert Ernst 1990 Richard Booth
1929 W.C. MacRea 1960 William Maxwell 1991 Pat Keyser
1930 N. H. Canter 1961 Fred J. Mandella 1992 Dana Garrett
1931 Arlington Ross 1962 Fred J. Mandella 1993 Dick Wescom
1932 W.A. Warmsley 1963 Dr. C.W. Davis 1994 Dick Wescom
1933 N. H. Canter 1964 John Gunther 1995 Joe Collins
1934 R.J. Bentram 1965 Clarence Garrett 1996 Joe Collins
1935 Vern Schortgen 1966 Archie Corzatt 1997 Dick Wescom
1936 R.M. Book 1967 Ben Morrison 1998 Charles Heard
1937 O.D. Lee 1968 Ben Morrison 1999 Hurbert Marsh
1938 Myers 1969 Paul Stadius 2000 Hurbert Marsh
1939 Jake Brocktrup 1970 Herb Brown 2001 Bob Church
1940 Jake Brocktrup 1971 Herb Brown 2002 Dana Garrett
1941 John Chase 1972 Bob Ross 2003 Mike Reynolds
1942 H.J. McGilvray 1973 Bob Ross 2004 Mike Reynolds
1943 Jim Sother 1974 Wayne Keefer 2005 Warren Griffith
1944 Walt Thompson 1975 Leonard Allen 2006 Warren Griffith
1945 Frank Sobcyak 1976 Herb Brown 2007 Warren Griffith
1946 E.V. Zell 1977 Allen Reeder 2008 Pete Gomez
1947 R. Jones 1978 Tom Cook 2009 Ron Ballard
1948 John Feeback 1979 Allen Reeder 2010 Dan Williams
1949 Mitch Page 1980 Robert L Benson 2011 Ron Ballard
1950 Harvey Brannon 1981 Bob Church 2012 Joe Collins
1951 Alfred Kittock 1982 Allen Reeder 2013 Matt Balkwill
1952 Si Hinke 1983 Allen Reeder 2014 Karen Johnson
1953 N.A. 1984 Allen Reeder 2015 Karen Johnson
1954 R.J. Jones 1985 Johnnie Baugh 2016 Karen Johnson
1955 John Zumwalt 1986 Johnnie Baugh
2017 Karen Johnson

Quartermaster and Veteran of the Year (formally Mr. Quartermaster and Mr. VFW)


Veteran or Quartermaster of the year qualifies for the honor by having performed over and above that is expected of him or her, whether as a Post Officer, or as a Post member in the rear ranks. But preferably not the Post Commander. Quartermaster qualifies for the honor by showing their knowledge of the financial responsibilities and duties of this office. It is also for the person who just does the work day after day in one of the most demanding offices of the Post and seeks no recognition other than the financial success of the Post.

Veteran or Quartermaster of the year must have been nominated by their own V.F.W. Post.

Veteran or Quartermaster of the year is known in their community as typifying V.F.W. because of their devotion to the organization.

Veteran or Quartermaster of the year projects public good will to the credit of V.F.W.

VETERAN or QUARTERMASTER OF THE YEAR is selected annually by the Past Department Commanders Association of Oregon, V.F.W. during the annual Department Convention.

Following are those members of Pelican Post 1383 who have received this honor.