Quartermaster and Veteran of the Year (formally Mr.
Quartermaster and Mr. VFW)
Veteran or Quartermaster of the year qualifies for the honor
by having performed over and above that is expected of him or her, whether as a
Post Officer, or as a Post member in the rear ranks. But preferably not the
Post Commander. Quartermaster qualifies for the honor by showing their
knowledge of the financial responsibilities and duties of this office. It is
also for the person who just does the work day after day in one of the most
demanding offices of the Post and seeks no recognition other than the financial
success of the Post.
Veteran or Quartermaster of the year must have been
nominated by their own V.F.W. Post.
Veteran or Quartermaster of the year is known in their community
as typifying V.F.W. because of their devotion to the organization.
Veteran or Quartermaster of the year projects public good
will to the credit of V.F.W.
VETERAN or QUARTERMASTER OF THE YEAR is selected annually by
the Past Department Commanders Association of Oregon, V.F.W. during the annual Department
Following are those members of Pelican Post 1383 who have
received this honor.